Chief of Staff at Llanview Hospital
Working abroad with Doctors Without Borders
Formerly an apartment at 459 Wakashin Street, Llanview, Pennsylvania 19100 (with Bo and Matthew)
Spencer Truman (divorced)
Hugh Hughes (son; deceased; with Spencer; given up for adoption)
Bo Buchanan (living together)
Operated on Thomas McBain while drunk, ultimately leading to his death. [1979]
Paige initially came to town to assist with Asa Buchanan's care, and it wasn't long before she began dating his son, Bo. Their relationship was progressing nicely when Paige's ex-husband Spencer Truman showed up in town -- an ex-husband she hadn't told Bo about. Bo finally learned the truth, but he surprised Paige when he wanted to continue their relationship. It wasn't long before the two moved in together, and when Nora landed in a coma in the hospital, Paige stepped in to help out with Matthew, but all the while making it clear she wasn't going to try to take his mother's place. Paige shocked Bo just after Christmas when she asked him to help her find her son -- a son she had given up for adoption and never told Spencer about. Although Rex and Bo helped Paige to find the identity of her son, Paige chose to keep it to herself. After the truth was revealed, that Paige had been drunk while operating on Thomas McBain many years earlier, Paige was stripped of her medical license. After seeing the tight bond between Bo and Rex, Paige decided to tell the truth about her and Spencer to her son -- Hugh Hughes.
Paige left Llanview for a job with Doctors Without Borders on July 27, 2007.
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