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Summaries for the Week of December 25, 2023
Steffy confronted Hope about her feelings for Thomas. Thomas proposed to Hope. Xander Avant warned Finn about Thomas. Kayla tested Paulina for cancer. Steve threatened Konstantin. Wendy and Tripp decided to move to Hong Kong. Xander and Sarah kissed. Holly overdosed. Esme went to Pentonville to see Heather. Trina and Spencer decided to move to Paris. Lucy hatched a plan to fleece Tracy. Lois figured out Nina tipped off the SEC.. Claire helped save Nikki from a deranged Jordan, who was arrested. Danny rebuffed Phyllis' advances. Heather kissed Daniel. Michael and Lauren renewed their vows..
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Quick Catch-Up: Soap Central recaps for the Week of December 25, 2023
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The Bold and the Beautiful

What happened the week of December 25, 2023

Steffy confronted Hope about her feelings for Thomas. Thomas proposed to Hope. Xander Avant warned Finn about Thomas

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Brooke consoled a guilty Ridge, who felt it would be his fault if Eric didn't return to normal after his recovery. Even though Finn had been in situations where it would have been kinder to let a patient die than treat them, Finn tried to assure Ridge that Eric had good chances. Steffy confronted Hope about whether she loved Thomas. Thomas ordered Steffy to back off, but Ridge wound up asking Hope the same question. Hope said it was between her and Thomas. Thomas asked Hope to marry him. Upon realizing that his new doctor was married to Steffy Forrester, Xander tried to make a quick exit, but when Finn pressed Xander about his connection to the Forresers, Xander revealed the ugly truth about Thomas and Emma.

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» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on B&B.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our B&B Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

Days of our Lives

What happened the week of December 25, 2023

Kayla tested Paulina for cancer. Steve threatened Konstantin. Wendy and Tripp decided to move to Hong Kong. Xander and Sarah kissed. Holly overdosed


Kayla suspected Paulina might have cancer. Holly told Nicole about her crush on Johnny. Stefan asked E.J. for help with Clyde, but E.J. said no. Holly had a birthday brunch with Nicole, Eric, and Jude. Leo pressured Sloan for support. Chad, Everett, and Harris discussed the drug problem in Salem. Alex ruffled feathers at the Kiriakis Christmas gathering. Konstantin intentionally injured his foot in order to stay at the Kiriakis mansion. Ava lied to Harris about a romantic relationship with Stefan. Wendy and Tripp decided to move to Hong Kong. Holly asked Tate out on a date. Nicole started therapy. Steve threatened Konstantin. Rafe and Jada spent the holidays in bed. Everett rehired Leo. Chad saw Everett and Stephanie kiss on New Year's Eve. Xander and Sarah kissed. Holly overdosed on pills.

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» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on DAYS.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our DAYS Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

General Hospital

What happened the week of December 25, 2023

Esme went to Pentonville to see Heather. Trina and Spencer decided to move to Paris. Lucy hatched a plan to fleece Tracy. Lois figured out Nina tipped off the SEC.

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Kristina assured T.J. that she had no intention of taking a parental role in the life of the child that she would carry for him and Molly. After all of Esme's memories returned, she paid Heather a visit at Pentonville. Heather was overjoyed to finally meet her daughter, but she advised Esme not to tell anyone about her memory. Trina received an invitation to study at the prestigious Sorbonne University. Trina was delighted when Spencer agreed to go to Paris with her. Cyrus slipped into the confessional and heard Nina admit to her role in tipping off the SEC, so he paid her a visit at her office to persuade her to confess. After a tipsy Olivia revealed more than she had intended, Lois quickly figured out that Nina had been the one to report Carly and Drew to the SEC. Lucy hatched a plan to fleece Tracy with Scott's help. Sasha warned Cody that Felicia suspected that he had lied about the DNA test results. Felicia managed to obtain strands of Cody's hair for testing. Chase and Brook Lynn discussed the necessity of moving up their wedding date. Alexis and Gregory went skydiving on New Year's Eve and shared a passionate kiss. Drew returned home early from his trip.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on GH.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our GH Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.

The Young and the Restless

What happened the week of December 25, 2023

Claire helped save Nikki from a deranged Jordan, who was arrested. Danny rebuffed Phyllis' advances. Heather kissed Daniel. Michael and Lauren renewed their vows.

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A drunken Nikki met Jordan at an abandoned cabin, where a gun-toting Jordan was holding a sedated Claire. Jordan prepared to kill Nikki. As Nikki and Jordan scuffled, Claire managed to grab the gun. Jordan forced Claire to choose between her and Nikki, and Claire ranted that Jordan deserved to die. Nikki convinced Claire not to throw her life away for Jordan. Victor realized that Nate had been right about Nikki drinking again. The Newmans found an address that Nikki had left behind at the ranch, and they called the police. Jordan was arrested. After an argument with Devon, Tucker considered leaving Genoa City. Daniel warned Christine that Phyllis was trying to rekindle her relationship with Danny. Danny responded to Phyllis' kiss at first, but he eventually rebuffed her advances. After running into Danny and Christine on a New Year's Eve date, Phyllis reacted by claiming she had plans for the evening with Tucker, who went along with the ruse. Ashley and Tucker had very different recollections of his allegedly violent behavior in Paris. Daniel and Lucy fell asleep during a family movie night, and Heather cuddled up next to Daniel. Lucy was pleased when she found her parents asleep together, and she snapped a photo of them. Heather kissed Daniel. Michael and Lauren renewed their vows in a touching New Year's Eve ceremony.

» Miss a day... or more?: Comprehensive recaps for every episode this week.
» The latest recaps: Find out what's happening this week on Y&R.
» 25+ years of recaps: Relive the past, research, or get caught up in our Y&R Daily Recaps Archives.
» Spoilers and previews: See what's coming up in the week ahead in The Scoop.



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