Violet finds Finn on the floor

General Hospital Recap for Friday, June 21, 2024
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General Hospital Daily Recaps (Friday, June 21, 2024)
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Friday, June 21, 2024

At Carly's office, Sam told Carly that Sam knew why Jason had let everyone think he was dead. Sam prefaced things by telling Carly that what she was about to hear was not all about Carly. Sam explained that the recording she was about to play had come from the FBI's evidentiary database. Carly played the file. It was Carly's voice, taken from her meeting with the Five Families during the time of Sonny's presumed death. In the recording, Carly announced that she would be filling Sonny's seat.

Carly was flabbergasted. She told Sam that Carly had had no idea the FBI had evidence against her. Carly couldn't believe that the FBI had been able to record that meeting from three years before. Carly had believed that the FBI had evidence against Jason. She asked why Sam had even looked for the recording. Sam said that she had wanted to know what the FBI was using to keep Jason in line.

Sam explained that she and Spinelli had obtained John's credentials, but they weren't enough to be able to alter or delete the file, only record a copy. Carly felt bad for Jason. Sam exclaimed, "He is not the victim here! Jason abandoned his children and let everyone who loved him think he was dead!"

Carly closed her office door. She told Sam that it wasn't Jason's fault. "If you want to blame someone --" Carly began. Sam cut her off. "What? Blame you, Carly? Don't worry! I do! I think you're just as responsible for this as Jason!" Sam declared. Carly tried to get Sam to direct Sam's anger at John Cates, but Sam was fed up. She complained that Carly would always stick up for Jason, as Jason would always stick up for Carly. "What about everyone else? What about the people who believed in Jason? What about the people he left behind... for you?" Sam left.

Anna met with Jason at the coffee warehouse. She told Jason that she planned to search Valentin's house for evidence of a connection to Pikeman that night while she would be having dinner there. Jason maintained that doing things his way would be simpler. Anna did not want Jason to break into the house nor beat the information out of Valentin. Jason insisted that he would not let his sacrifice of two and a half years go to waste.

After Anna had gone, John arrived, looking for Anna. John accused Anna, yet again, of being the head of Pikeman. Jason insisted that there was no evidence to find. He told John, "You're not going to find anything on Anna, because there's nothing there. Or does proving it not even matter anymore?"

John insisted that one did not have to dig very far into Anna's past with the WSB to find evidence that she was running Pikeman. Jason replied that evidence could be interpreted in different ways and that John wanted Anna to be guilty. Jason said that John was derailing his own investigation by targeting the wrong person. John insisted that he'd been following the evidence. John declared that he would not go back to Quantico empty-handed. John threatened to take Carly with him. John left.

At Maxie's house, Maxie asked Violet to gather her things so Maxie could take Violet home. Georgie and James wanted Violet to stay for a sleepover. Violet explained that she had to get home because her dad became sad and lonely when Violet was not there.

Finn woke up on his sofa after having passed out. He took a swig from the half-empty bottle of tequila on the coffee table. Finn, kneeling by the table, noticed some blood and broken glass on the surface of the table. He realized he had cut his hand. Finn pulled a shard of glass from his hand, then, after another swig, he poured tequila on the open wound. Finn winced as he tried to stand, then passed out again, this time, onto the floor.

Violet arrived home and found Finn on the floor. She tried to wake him up, then she saw the blood on her father's hand. Violet picked up Finn's phone and called the last person who had left a message for him. It was Tracy. Tracy began to chastise Finn for not having responded to the three messages Tracy had left. She was surprised to hear Violet's voice. Violet said, "My dad needs help!" Tracy asked, "Violet? What's wrong?" Violet replied, "I think he's dead!" Tracy said that she would be right there. Tracy called 9-1-1 before she left.

Soon thereafter, Tracy arrived at Finn's apartment. She told Violet to wait by the door for the ambulance. Violet left, and Tracy went to Finn. The paramedics arrived. As they tended to Finn, Tracy attempted to assuage Violet's fears. Violet asked if Finn had fallen and why there was blood. Tracy told Violet that maybe Finn had cut his hand when he had fallen.

Tracy stepped over to the paramedics and asked about Finn's status. One paramedic told Tracy bluntly, "I'm sorry to put it this way, ma'am, but drunk is not an emergency." Tracy, indicating Violet, replied, "Yeah, right. I know that. You know that. She doesn't know that. I gotta get her outta here, so I'll be back."

Tracy went to Violet and offered to take her to her Uncle Chase. Violet was reluctant. She claimed she had been gone too long already that day. Tracy assured Violet that her father had not hurt himself because Violet had not been home. Violet still did not want to leave. "What if he doesn't wake up, like Grandpa?" Violet asked. "This isn't the same thing," Tracy said. Tracy reminded Violet of all the doctor visits and equipment Gregory had needed. Tracy told Violet that Finn only needed time to rest. Finally, Violet agreed to leave. She and Tracy left.

Anna arrived at Valentin's house. Anna told him that she had thought about canceling but had wanted to see him. Anna smelled something delicious. Valentin told her that he had made coq au vin. Anna complimented the house's décor. Valentin reminded Anna that he had bought the house for them to share.

As Valentin left the room to pour two glasses of Bordeaux, Anna began to look around. Anna searched through Valentin's desk and bookshelf, but she was unable to find anything before Valentin returned with the wine. Anna was about to sip the wine when Valentin asked, "Did you find what you were looking for?" "Oh, you caught me!" Anna replied. Anna claimed to have been looking at the titles of the books on his shelves. She reminded Valentin that she had planned to do more reading before bedtime. Valentin smiled as he remembered the stack of unread books on Anna's night table.

Anna tried and liked the Bordeaux. Valentin assured her that there was plenty more for them to share in the future. Anna coyly accused Valentin of being presumptuous. "Hope springs eternal," he replied. Anna told Valentin that she had learned something about Jack Brennan. "Jack Brennan? He's ancient history to me," Valentin lied.

Anna told Valentin that Jack had been injured in a knife fight and taken to GH. Valentin suggested that Jack had made enemies among the people Jack had sent to prison. Anna said that when she had visited Jack, Jack had implied that he had stabbed himself in order to get a visit from Carly. Valentin told Anna that he had no desire to discuss Jack. He led Anna out to the patio, where they could have dinner.

After their meal, Anna and Valentin went back into the house for a digestif. Anna wanted to talk about Valentin's recent success at ELQ. Valentin explained that most of his trips to Europe had been excuses to go visit Charlotte. Valentin claimed that Anna would find his corporate activities boring. He tried to turn the question around and wheedle information out of Anna. "What cases are you working on?" he asked.

Anna told Valentin that everything she was working on was classified and that she should leave because she had a busy day in the morning. Valentin took Anna's hand. "No. Please, don't go. There's something I have to tell you," Valentin whispered. Valentin talked about how the trust between them had been broken. "Now, I only really believe about 30 percent of what you tell me," he said. Anna chuckled, "Oh, that's interesting. My percentage for you is a lot lower."

Valentin confessed his love for Anna. "I love you. I always have. It's in my DNA, Anna. It's like the color of my eyes." Valentin admitted that he hoped his feelings of loving someone whom he "couldn't have would fade away," but that they hadn't.

Anna confessed that she was still drawn to Valentin, as well, and like Valentin, Anna wished she didn't have those feelings. Anna moved to leave. They both agreed that they'd had a lovely evening. Valentin took Anna's hand and said, "I just wish it didn't have to end." Anna replied, "Maybe it doesn't." Anna smiled. Valentin kissed her. Just as Anna began to kiss him back, Jason appeared at the window. He watched them kiss for a moment then turned his head with a sigh.

Maxie told Spinelli that she was worried about Violet. Having listened to Violet's choice of words, Maxie had the sense that Violet "was raising Finn, and not the other way around." Maxie suspected something might be going on in Violet's home.

Later, as Maxie and Spinelli snuggled on the sofa, there was a knock at the door. It was Sam. Maxie excused herself to give the kids butterfly kisses, so Spinelli and Sam could talk. Sam informed Spinelli that though Carly could "lie like a pro," Carly's reaction to the recording had been genuine. Carly had learned the reason for Jason's absence for the first time.

Spinelli expressed concern for Carly. Sam was convinced that Carly would never be prosecuted because of Jason. Sam declared that Jason would have to live with the consequences of his actions.

At Chase and Brook Lynn's apartment, the newlyweds celebrated their first home-cooked meal. When Brook Lynn asked for a rating, Chase gave it five stars and added, "And the food was pretty good, too!" They kissed.

Tracy and Violet arrived at Chase and Brook Lynn's apartment. Chase caught on quickly, as Tracy explained that she had thought Chase would love a surprise visit from Violet. Brook Lynn offered Violet some dessert, but Violet said she wasn't hungry. Violet said that she had been swimming and that her wet swimsuit was still in her bag. Brook Lynn led Violet by the hand. They left the room to hang up the swimsuit. The second they were out of the room, Chase turned to Tracy and asked, "Why is Violet with you, and what is going on?"

Tracy told Chase that Violet had found Finn "passed-out drunk and bleeding on the floor." Tracy explained that Violet had thought Finn had died and that Violet blamed herself for being on a play date instead of home with her father. Tracy told Chase that Violet had seen the missed calls on Finn's phone and called Tracy for help. Chase was gutted. "Poor Violet," he said. Tracy told Chase that Violet had looked "terrified" when Tracy had arrived at Finn's place. Tracy thought that Chase might be able to distract Violet from what she had seen.

Chase asked where Finn was. When Tracy told Chase that Finn was at home with the paramedics, Chase wanted to go back there with Tracy. Instead, Tracy wanted Chase and Brook Lynn to take Violet over to the Quartermaine home, because there was more room there for Violet and because Finn would likely come pounding on Chase's door, looking for Violet, something Violet shouldn't have to witness after everything she had already seen.

Chase agreed with Tracy. "Thank you for all of this," Chase said to Tracy. Tracy took Violet's keys. She reminded Chase that Finn was her friend and that Gregory would want her to look out for Finn. Chase felt like a failure to his brother for not going with Tracy. Tracy was blunt. She said that Chase had already done as much for Finn as he could, then she added, "And truthfully, I can say things to him that you can't. And what I'm going to say to him, he really needs to hear." Tracy left.

A bit later, as Violet sat on the sofa between Brook Lynn and Chase, Chase promised Violet that Finn would be okay. "How do you know that?" Violet asked dubiously. Chase replied, "Sometimes, grown-ups just know things." Brook Lynn added. "He's not lying to you, sweetie. Your Uncle Chase is a cop. He's telling you the truth."

Violet asked Chase to teach her how to cook. Violet believed that her father wouldn't always be so tired and sad if she could have a meal waiting for him when he got home from work. Chase replied, "I know you want to help your dad, but it's not --" Brook Lynn subtly shook her head "no." Chase changed to a more upbeat tone and finished, "it's -- it's not that hard to make something special!"

Chase told Violet that the three of them would go sleep over at the Quartermaines' house and that in the morning, Sasha could cook for everyone else, but the three of them would enjoy Chase's special French toast with cinnamon. "And whipped cream on the top?" Violet asked. Chase brightly replied, "Of course! It's no good any other way!" Chase hugged his niece, as Brook Lynn looked on, smiling.

Violet tried to make excuses not to go to the Quartermaines' house. First, because she had no pajamas. After having been told that she could borrow some from Scout, Violet suggested that because her dad's hand had been cut, he might need her help. Brook Lynn offered to call Finn then sent Violet to the kitchen to get Brook Lynn's phone.

Once Violet was out of the room, Chase told Brook Lynn that he felt awful about lying to Violet. Brook Lynn insisted that Chase was being an amazing uncle and that there were some things from which a young child should be protected. Brook Lynn advised her husband to remember her advice the next time he felt guilty. Brook Lynn took her phone from her purse nearby. She shouted to Violet that she had found it and had called Finn, who had given permission for Violet to sleep over at the Quartermaines' house.

John showed up at Carly's office with a bottle of Champagne. Carly pretended to be glad to see him. John told her that he had billed the bottle to his suite. Carly asked, "You didn't expense it to the FBI?" "Who do you think pays for my suite?" John replied with a smile. John explained that he hadn't properly thanked Carly for having rescued him in the alley then having nursed him at his hotel suite. John told Carly that his investigation would soon be complete and that John would be returning to Quantico. Carly said she would miss him. John declared that he wouldn't miss much about Port Charles. "But I will miss you," John added.

Carly asked John, "Since you're opening up a bottle of fancy Champagne and celebrating and heading home, does that mean you've rounded up all the bad guys and you put 'em in prison?" John explained that there was "always one more out there." Carly asked if this "one more" was dangerous. John replied, "This person has done some bad things."

Carly noted John's choice of words. "'This person.' Does that mean the bad guy is really a woman?" Carly asked. John popped the Champagne as he said, "Carly Spencer, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to worm confidential information out of me." Carly turned it right around. "Well, you're the one who showed up here with Champagne, trying to lower my defenses."

John told Carly, "As to the gender of the bad guy, a good agent never tells." "Are you a good agent?" Carly asked. John replied, "The best." They tapped their champagne flutes together as Carly toasted, "I'll drink to that."

Tracy arrived at Finn's apartment, where she found Finn passed out, seated in a chair. His hand had been bandaged. Tracy kicked Finn's foot twice in an attempt to wake him. Unsuccessful, she sighed Tracy took out her phone, launched its camera, and took pictures of Finn sprawled out in the chair; the bloody, broken glass; the mostly empty tequila bottle; and the blood on the table. Tracy approached Finn. She put her hand to her mouth and began to cry.

Later, Tracy entered Finn's living room from the back. She had a rolling suitcase in one hand and Finn's medical bag in the other. She parked the suitcase near the door. Tracy went through Finn's medical bag and found some smelling salts. She broke the capsule under Finn's nose, reviving him immediately.

Finn felt his aching head and his aching hand. He groaned and asked, "What happened?" Tracy faced Finn. "You tell me," she challenged him. Finn asked, "Where's Violet? Where's my daughter?" Tracy replied, "She's gone. She's not coming back."

On the next General Hospital...


• Kristina tells Blaze about her plan regarding the baby.

• Sonny and Natalia toast to "finding our friends."

• "Everything I've sacrificed to protect you means nothing!" Jason yells at Carly.

• Brook Lynn tells Chase about Tracy's proposition.


The Bold and the Beautiful's Matthew Atkinson is back
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